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Ag Water by CRB State
![]() Arizona Department of Water Resources – Arizona's Department of Water Resources provides a number of agricultural water conservation resource materials, including best management practices, computer-based tools, publications & links to relevant outside organizations. Their site also supplies information on their agricultural water conservation programs for the state. Natural Resources Conservation Service Arizona – USDA agency providing conservation services & assistance to all Arizona private landowners, conservation districts, state & local governments, American Indian Nations & rural & urban citizens. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension - Cooperative Extension, an outreach arm of The University of Arizona & the College of Agriculture & Life Sciences (CALS), is "Improving Lives, Communities & the Economy" by serving as a statewide network of knowledgeable faculty & staff that provides lifelong educational programs for all Arizonans. University of Arizona Water Resources Research Center - The University of Arizonia's WRRC promotes understanding of critical state & regional water management & policy issues through research, community outreach & engagement & public education. California
![]() California Agricultural Water Stewardship Initiative – CAWSI, managed by the Community Alliance with Family Farmers, aims to raise awareness about approaches to agricultural water management that support the viability of agriculture, conserve water & protect ecological integrity in California. CAWSI’s online Agricultural Water Stewardship Resource Center features on-farm practices, case studies & a library of technical resources to assist farmers & ranchers, water suppliers & others in making effective farm water management decisions. California Climate & Agriculture Network - CalCAN is a coalition of sustainable agriculture & farmer leaders that advances agricultural & political solutions to climate change. CalCAN compliments & augments existing sustainable agriculture & environmental policy efforts by providing a coordinated, unified & diverse coalition to address state agriculture policy from a climate protection perspective. California Department of Water Resources - CA DWR provides expertise to local agencies & individuals regarding agricultural & urban water & energy conservation, reclamation & reuse of water, land & water use, & drainage management. Of particular interest is the Agricultural Water Use webpage which provides information regarding on-farm water conservation methods & tools. California Farm Water Coalition - CFWC was formed in 1989 in the midst of a six-year drought to increase public awareness of agriculture’s efficient use of water & promote the industry’s environmental sensitivity regarding water. CFWC has three primary goals: 1) To serve as the voice for agricultural water users; 2) To represent irrigated agriculture in the media; 3) To educate the public about the benefits of irrigated agriculture. Of particular interest is their Farm Water Use Efficiency & Conservation webpage. California Institute for Water Resources - The mission of the California Institute for Water Resources is to integrate California's research, extension, & education programs to develop research-based solutions to water resource challenges. We do this by facilitating collaborative research & outreach on water issues across California's academic institutions & with international, federal, state, regional, nonprofit, & campus communities. Community Alliance with Family Farmers – CAFF is a long-standing advocate for California’s sustainable agriculture, connecting farmers, businesses & consumers working to build a better food system. Of particular interest is their On-Farm Water Management webpage. Ecological Farming Association's Water Stewardship Project – The project provides education & outreach materials about implementing on-farm water conservation measures, & it is funded in part by a grant from the California Department of Food & Agriculture. Natural Resources Conservation Service California - USDA agency providing conservation services & assistance to all California private landowners, conservation districts, state & local governments, American Indian Nations & rural & urban citizens. University of California Cooperative Extension – UC’s Cooperative Extension functions as a bridge between departments at the University of California and Californians in the delivery of knowledge about agriculture, food, natural resources & much more. University of California Drought Management – Housed in the Division of Agriculture & Natural Resources at UC, this website provides tools & strategies for managing drought. University of California Vegetable Research & Information Center – VRIC's mission is to foster appropriate research, collect & disseminate information relevant to consumers, growers & processors in the California vegetable industry & to continue its role as a leader & nationally-recognized source of research & information in support of the vegetable industry. Water Education Foundation – The mission of the Water Education Foundation, an impartial, nonprofit organization, is to create a better understanding of water resources & foster public understanding & resolution of water resource issues in California & the West through facilitation, education & outreach. Of particular interest are the Agricultural Conservation & Colorado River webpages. WATERIGHT – This site was developed by the Center for Irrigation Technology at California State University, Fresno with significant support from the US Bureau of Reclamation. WATERIGHT is designed to be a multi-function, educational resource for irrigation water management. The site is designed for three audiences: homeowners, commercial turf growers & agriculture. Colorado
![]() Ag Water NetWORK – The Ag Water NetWORK is a grant-funded initiative created by Colorado Cattleman's Association & Partners for Western Conservation to advance a single objective: to help keep ag water connected to ag land. Colorado Agricultural Water Alliance – CAWA is comprised of agricultural leaders from across Colorado representing major facets of production agriculture. CAWA focuses on education efforts & information exchange; provides education to both agriculture & non-agriculture audiences; is an advocate for the agriculture sector; & identifies common ground between the participating organizations & other interested parties. Colorado Nonpoint Source Program - The long-term goal of the Colorado’s nonpoint source program is to restore to full use those waters, both surface & groundwater, impaired by nonpoint sources, & to prevent future impairments to Colorado’s waters, using an effective, efficient & open process that fully involves the public & brings together the necessary regulatory & non-regulatory authorities, agencies & programs. Their site contains information about nonpoint source pollution in Colorado. Colorado River Water Users Association – CRWUA is a non-profit, non-partisan organization providing a forum for exchanging ideas & perspectives on Colorado River use & management with the intent of developing & advocating common objectives, initiatives & solutions. Colorado Water Institute - The mission of the Colorado Water Institute is to connect all of Colorado's higher education expertise to the research & education needs of Colorado water managers & users. Colorado State University Extension – The Mission of Extension is to provide information & education, & encourage the application of research-based knowledge in response to local, state, & national issues affecting individuals, youth, families, agricultural enterprises, & communities of Colorado. Two programs of specific interest: Agriculture & Water. CSU Conservation Tillage Demonstration & Outreach Project – This project is a collaborative effort to improve water quality, reduce irrigation induced soil erosion & enhance crop productivity through adoption of bundled nutrient management, conservation tillage & irrigation management practices in furrow irrigated cropland by local producers, conservation districts & industry members. This project is focused on increasing knowledge, interest & adoption of conservation tillage in the northern front range of Colorado. Natural Resources Conservation Service Colorado - USDA agency providing conservation services & assistance to all Colorado private landowners, conservation districts, state & local governments, American Indian Nations & rural & urban citizens. Open Water Foundation - OWF is a nonprofit social enterprise that is working to provide an open source software platform to help organizations make better decisions about water. OWF is working to collaboratively develop, enhance & maintain open source water resource software tools to the benefit of government, universities, consultants, nonprofits & the public. Of particular interest is their Sustainable Irrigated Agriculture Initiative webpage. The Water Information Program - In August of 1994, the Southwestern Water Conservation District (SWCD), in cooperation with several water agencies & entities in southwestern Colorado, pooled their resources & created the Water Information Program (WIP). Although each participating entity has its own set of water-related priorities & issues, the WIP provides a common forum for communicating shared information & goals. Of particular interest is their Agriculture/Irrigation Information webpage. Nevada
![]() Natural Resources Conservation Service Nevada - USDA agency providing conservation services & assistance to all Nevada private landowners, conservation districts, state & local governments, American Indian Nations & rural & urban citizens. Nevada Water Resources Research Institute – Nevada's WRRI's mission is to develop the water sciences knowledge & expertise that support Nevada’s water needs, encourage our nation to manage water more responsibly, & train students to become productive professionals. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension – The mission of the University of Nevada Cooperative Extension is to discover, develop, disseminate, preserve & use knowledge to strengthen the social, economic & environmental well-being of the people of Nevada. Two programs of specific interest: Agriculture & Living with Drought. New Mexico
![]() Natural Resources Conservation Service New Mexico - USDA agency providing conservation services & assistance to all New Mexico private landowners, conservation districts, state & local governments, American Indian Nations & rural & urban citizens. New Mexico State University Agricultural Experiment Station – The Agricultural Experiment Station system supports fundamental & applied science & technology research to benefit New Mexico's citizens in the economic, social & cultural aspects of agriculture, natural resources management & family issues. Of particular interest are the Agricultural Science Center's (at Farmington) Irrigation Management website & the New Mexico Irrigation Center's website, containing informational & educational content to benefit the agricultural industry, communities & urban residential water users of the Four Corners region & greater southwest. New Mexico State University Cooperative Extension – NMSU's Cooperative Extension Service provides the people of New Mexico with practical, research-based knowledge & programs to improve their quality of life. Two programs of particular interest: Farm & Ranch & Natural Resources. New Mexico State University Water Task Force - The New Mexico State University Water Task Force, housed within the College of Agricultural, Consumer, & Environmental Sciences, consists of a large number of NMSU research & teaching faculty who provide the University with an avenue for focusing water discussion, research projects, & financial support. New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute - The overall mission of the NM WRRI is to develop & disseminate knowledge that will assist the state & nation in solving water problems. Through the funding of research & demonstration projects, the institute utilizes knowledge & experience of researchers throughout the state to solve New Mexico's pressing water problems. Utah
![]() Natural Resources Conservation Service Utah - USDA agency providing conservation services & assistance to all Utah private landowners, conservation districts, state & local governments, American Indian Nations & rural & urban citizens. Utah Center for Water Resources Research - The UWRL operates within an academic environment & collaborates with government & private sectors to address technical & societal aspects of water-related issues, including quality, quantity, distribution, & conjunctive use. Utah State University Extension - The Extension system continues its longstanding tradition of extending the university to the people to improve the quality of life for individuals, families, & communities. Of particular interest is the Agricultural Irrigation Resources webpage. Utah State University Agricultural Experiment Station – The Utah Agricultural Experiment Station (UAES) is part of a network of researchers & facilities at the nation’s land-grant universities & is committed to improving agriculture & natural resources for the people of Utah. Experiment station research provides the science-based information used by Extension specialists & agents to assist people in every state in the nation. The UAES supports hundreds of research projects & operates labs that test soils, plant tissue, irrigation water & livestock feed. It researches food safety & processing, plant & animal genetics, economic & social forces that shape families & communities, & brings agriculture into harmony with sustainable use of natural resources. Wyoming
![]() Natural Resources Conservation Service Wyoming - USDA agency providing conservation services & assistance to all Wyoming private landowners, conservation districts, state & local governments, American Indian Nations & rural & urban citizens. University of Wyoming Extension - Since 1914, UW Extension has helped Wyoming citizens & communities respond to challenges & changes. With deep roots in agriculture, UW Extension has also broadened its educational mission to encompass many of the contemporary challenges facing Wyoming’s people & its rural communities. Of particular interest is their Agriculture & Natural Resources program. University of Wyoming Water Research Program - The primary purposes of the WRP are to support & coordinate research relative to important water resources problems of the State & Region, support the training of scientists in relevant water resource fields, & promote the dissemination & application of the results of water-related research. All or Multiple CRB States
![]() Agricultural Water Conservation Clearinghouse - The Agricultural Water Conservation Clearinghouse (AWCC) addresses agricultural water conservation globally, incorporating various climates with a focus on arid & semi-arid areas in the Western United States. The AWCC is continuously growing, & its reach continues to multiply. By cultivating this growth, the vision of the AWCC is to include even more water conserving practices in agriculture across the world. Colorado River: Setting the Course - A project of the Environmental Defense Fund, the website provides information on their efforts to restore healthy flows to the Colorado River Basin, with solutions ranging from water-saving infrastructure for agriculture to Basin-wide water conservation. The project is also supported by Western Resource Advocates, The Nature Conservancy, Protect the Flows & Nuestro Rio. Colorado River Basin Drought Visualization - Developed by the USGS & Bureau of Reclamation in support of the Department of the Interior’s Open Water Data Initiative (OWDI), this visualization is part of a multi-agency effort to showcase the usefulness of open data (i.e., data provided in a discoverable, sharable & machine-readable format) by exploring the current 16-year drought & its effects on the Colorado River Basin. The website compiles real-time data on drought conditions & water supply, allowing viewers to explore interactive charts & images that show changing conditions on the Colorado River. Moving Forward on Agricultural Water Conservation in the Colorado River Basin - The Colorado Water Institute at Colorado State University has embarked on a three-year initiative funded by the USDA in which engineers & social scientists are learning from agricultural producers what conservation methods are likely to work in their area & what changes to the many surrounding factors may be needed for agricultural water conservation to be fully effective in practice. This project is a follow up to their earlier project, Addressing Water for Agriculture in the Colorado River Basin, in which researchers at land-grant universities in the seven Colorado River Basin (CRB) states explored the following: water related changes & pressures ag producers & water managers are facing & how they are responding to them; how ag producers see the future of water for agriculture; & ways land-grant universities can partner with ag stakeholders to address the water issues they are facing. The websites provide information & findings related to the projects, as well as ag water conservation resource links. Northern Plains & Mountains Regional Water Program - The NPM Region includes Colorado, Montana, North & South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming & Native American country located within these states. Over the past 12 years, the NPM Regional Water Team worked to integrate research, education & Extension programs to address high priority water issues & establish a collaborative, structured process to share water resource practices & management techniques throughout the region & nationally. Powell Consortium - The Powell consortium is an alliance of seven Water Resources Research Institutes & Centers from the states of Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah & Wyoming formed to work on water resources problems of the Colorado River/Great Basin region. The Consortium is named in recognition of John Wesley Powell (1834-1902), geologist, teacher & philosopher, whose pioneering explorations of the Colorado River Basin became legendary. USDA National Agricultural Library's Water & Agriculture Information Center – This USDA portal provides electronic access to information on water & agriculture. The center collects, organizes & communicates the scientific findings, educational methodologies & public policy issues related to water & agriculture. Of particular interest are their irrigation, water availability & water conservation webpages. Within these pages, you are able to search for Colorado River Basin related Ag water documents. Western Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education – SARE is a program of the USDA that functions through competitive grants conducted cooperatively by farmers, ranchers, researchers & ag professionals to advance farm & ranch systems that are profitable, environmentally sound & good for communities. Western SARE's goal is to foster sustainability through grants that enable cutting-edge research & education to open windows on sustainability across the West. Western Resource Advocates - WRA is a non-profit environmental law & policy organization. With offices in six states (Colorado, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, & Idaho), they have developed strategic programs focusing in three areas: Water, Energy & Lands. Each of the programs is committed to curtailing climate change. Their Colorado River Basin Program evaluates the understanding of rivers in water management & provides pro-active solutions so that all water users thrive. Western Water Policy Program – WWPP is the home for the water-related research projects, events & advisory activities of the Getches-Wilkinson Center for National Resources, Energy & the Environment at the University of Colorado, Boulder. The mission of the WWPP is to conduct research & advisory activities promoting sustainable, equitable & practical solutions to the pressing water problems of the American West. Of particular interest is their Colorado River Information Portal. Wilson Water Group – Consulting company that assists their clients with understanding & considering how the world around them affects their ability to develop & protect water supplies. They combine expertise in quantifying physical & legal water supplies & interpreting & managing data with knowledge of administrative policies, operational practices, & political realities to empower clients in their decision making process. Of particular interest is their current ongoing study, "Colorado River Water Availability Study." |
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